Ok, I admit it……

I have lost a big piece of my heart.  Hopefully only temporarily.  Or perhaps I have found that a piece of me has been deposited in hundreds of young people whose destiny has been redirected in the work of God for them.

kids love back
Kids love back and they have no idea what could have been.

Oh my!  What could have been that likely for them now will not be.  The future for many of these kids and their families has been diverted by God intervening to establish something for their benefit and long-term growth.

And Debbie and I have had five years to witness and participate in the move.

For a farmer, it is the seed that bares fruit.  It is what is inside the seed that brings forth the crop.  Fertilizer does not yield fruit.  Irrigation does not yield fruit.  Tending to the weeds and chaff does not yield fruit.   Only the seed has the power to yield fruit, the rest is just assistance.  God is bringing forth the fruit!

For us, we have been like the fertilizer or the field tenders who pull out weeds.  Carefully we have instructed, mentored and showed the way to a new generation of “field tenders”; but this next group of farmers are home grown and have risen up from among the people to whom they will now lead.

We will depart Cambodia to assume a different kind of role with these young leaders.  We will still advise but now from a distance.  To truly take hold of the opportunities and conditions of their country, to rise into leadership so that the work becomes self-sustaining and self-perpetuating, we have to step back.

I confess that this is very hard for us.  Not that we lack confidence in those now leading but because we have laid ourselves out without holding back for five years.  The work has consumed and enriched us simultaneously.  We have found new weaknesses in ourselves and new strength in God as we lean into an lay hold of the Truth of his plan.  Stepping back means not seeing daily people we love.  Not soaking in the hugs of children who demonstratively love on us even more than we have loved on them.

The time has come to watch the harvest field grow its own crop.  Time to see those who have been shown how to lead be given the opportunity to lead.

We aren’t disappearing from the work.  We are merely stepping into roles that let those with talent, dedication and now experience assume the roles God has for them.  Leading their own village work and changing their own communities.

We are NOT EXITING the work.  Please stay with us and say what God will do next.  We have one new school site already ready to assemble.  Site selected, now we just need the seed finances to get it moving to self-sustaining and perpetuating.  JOIN us in this next adventure.  DONATE HERE

Stay tuned in for what we are calling the “PURPLE SCHOOL PROJECT”.  Your tax deductible donations will help us repeat the process we have begun.

THE main thing!

Everything else is just methods, support and warm fuzzies.

If you rescue a trafficked person.  Awesome!  Now what?

If you restore a rescued trafficked person.  Amazing!  Now what?

If you prosecute the perpetrator. Good job!  Now what?

If you provide means of prevention. Super! Now what?

Continue reading

Prisoners vs Slaves

Prisoners presumably have committed a crime.  Their life is severely restricted because of presumed crimes they have committed and a justice system that has brought judgement.

Slaves have committed no crime for which they are being punished. Their freedom is stolen (criminally) from them.

Yet the life of a slave often has fewer options, less hope for survival and reduced opportunities to change their future.

Modern day slavery is on the rise. Worldwide. Even in countries where we presume the existence of “certain inalienable rights”.

Good time to talk about modern day slavery in your circle of influence.  Laws may change circumstances but the Gospel changes views. Bring the Gospel to the battle where you live and in all that you do.

Feeding the poor – feed them the Gospel also.  Improving health – give the Gospel too.  Offering education and business opportunities – offer the Gospel as well.  The Gospel changes everything!

We are in the work of changing views.   Join with us.  Tell a friend how you feel about modern day slavery.  Talk is a first step to engaging.

Today marks the anniversary of the death of one of the great abolition fighters of all ages –

William Wilberforce was a British politician, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade. A native of Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, he began his political career in 1780, eventually becoming an independent Member of Parliament for Yorkshire. Wikipedia

Born: August 24, 1759
Died: July 29, 1833


Honor “T12” with us

She is free indeed!

They called her “T12”. The human trafficking police use code words to protect the innocent.  “T”stands for “target” and “12” is the age she was sold into slavery. By. Her. Mother. Many times over. She was a domestic slave who cleaned 12 hours a day and was available by night. Living outdoors behind a palatial mansion she had one change of clothing and ate 2 small rice meals a day. Unable to read or write her own language she was trapped by illiteracy, ignorance and poverty.

But God did a miracle. An obscure American couple noticed her plight and endeavored to have her rescued and restored. Sharing the love of Jesus they worked with an investigation and rescue team to build her case and plan her escape. It was indeed something out of Mission Impossible.

T12 bracelet

After 8 months of undercover preparation, with determined courage and faith in a hope not yet seen, T12 made her escape successfully! Unsure whether we’d ever see her again, one of our at risk artisans designed a one of a kind bracelet for T12. Molded from melted bullet casings from the Vietnam era killing fields and in her own language, the bracelet said “freedom”! Freedom from slavery, freedom to pursue her own choices, freedom to experience the joys of life for the first time.

We are making the same bracelet available to those interested in stopping slavery through human trafficking! All funds go back to The ongoing work to help other T12s and T10s and even T8s! We are in this together friends.  Together we can change lives one “T” at a time.

Bracelets are available in 2 colors: black or purple $35 plus shipping. PM us at pete.livingston@gmail.com to order.

If you would like to partner with us in this ongoing work to set captives free, please click here DONATE and accept our sincere appreciation.

Don’t hit SNOOZE on this one

Don’t hit snooze on this alarm.

Like many people, I have a snooze button on my alarm clock.  I seldom use it.  Perhaps just once or twice in 10 years.  But I know that when I have hit it, I lay waiting, knowing that it will sound again.

Let me sound an alarm that I hope you will not “snooze” through.

Children are being targeted by human traffickers every minute of every day in the US.  And they are using tools we as parents and grandparents have given them to use.  Smartphones.  The bait of entrapment.

Pay a kid $10 to friend you and then ask all his friends to friend his “new friend”.  Because this second level of “friending” is from a familiar person, kids dive right in.  False profiles, false enticements, kind words, and then…….. the request to meet somewhere seemingly innocent.  Remember, the “target child” thinks they are meeting someone their own age.  From their group of “friends”.  Why not meet up at the mall, the soccer field, a concert (they offer free tickets)?  It all seems so innocent.

But it is not.  It is happening to our kids and grandkids right now and they are too innocent to realize the situation they are strolling into.  Parents.  Dont SNOOZE this one.

Don’t wait to have these discussions.  Don’t wait until a friend goes missing.  Prevent the atrocity.

Help us prevent the atrocity by raising awareness.

Please consider a donation to IncurableFanatics.org.  We cannot fight for you but we can fight with you.


Increasingly in the US we see signs of human trafficking.  Don’t be surprised!  It is a highly profitable business and there are many young girls and boys easily entrapped then enslaved for a period of profitability to their captors.  Economics without morals is ugly.

But what is even worse to me is turning a blind eye.  But what if turning a blind eye is because you don’t know what to do?   Let us help you with that.

When you see something out of sorts like the US Postal worker in California did last week.  He called police when he found a girl crying on his route.  Or the flight attendant who noticed a young girl on her plane who looked frightened by the man next to her.  She had security meet the plane on arrival.  Or the realtor who noticed trash bins at the street in front of an elegant home that was supposedly empty and for sale.

When you see something, do something.

  1. Snap a photo with your phone. Get a license plate, a street address or facial shot of those involved.
  2. Google human trafficking help near me. Get the phone numbers and save them to your contacts.
  3. As you go about your daily routine, don’t look past what seems odd. Ask yourself if the oddness could be a sign of someone trapped as a modern day slave.  Then follow 1 & 2.


Join us in ending this modern day atrocity.  Refuse to turn a blind eye.

If you already support our work, please know how grateful we are to have you with us each time we engage in the fight.  If you are not yet a supporter, please consider a one-time or ongoing donation so that we can continue this fight to spread the Gospel and fight trafficking of children for sex. Donations

Rise Up or Shrink Away.

The battle of modern day slavery is growing and we must rise to meet it or shrink away and allow it to consume millions more.

When we first entered the battle of modern day slavery and child sex trafficking, our community of friends was shocked.  Not at our entry but by the extent of the atrocity.  Now, nearly 4 years in, the atrocity is growing rapidly.  The US statistic for 2017 was up a whopping 13% (Polaris Project).  Where the Gospel is largely absent or silent, this plague appears to be growing even faster.


Missions is about sharing the Gospel.  The Gospel is about changing lives.  Changed lives don’t enslave others.  The formula is simple on the surface.  But the work is far from simple or over in the field.  Look at the picture, this plague has become widespread even in the US.  Can we simply pretend it is only “over there”?

We offer our deepest thanks to you our supporters for making it possible for us to work to change the circumstances of modern day slavery and specifically child sex trafficking. Teaching those who are most vulnerable to become teachers instead of victims and owners of honorable businesses instead of sellers of humans. We cannot be here doing this unless you are there at our backs.  You sending is as valuable a link as us going.  There is just no way we can secure an income from the already impoverished people we work beside for their advancement.  So whatever sacrifice you are making to engage with us please know that the impact is powerful and you have our most sincere appreciation.  Spread the word about what YOU are doing to fight back.  Begin to be identified as a modern day abolitionist.

Host an Awareness event this summer in your church, community or neighborhood.  Be observant in your community.  Report suspicious activity.  Set captives free!  Join us in this fight for our sons, daughter and grandchildren.

“Speak and act as those who will be judged by the law of freedom  (James 2:12 HCSB)”

We did not casually enter into this battle.  We knew it would be hard, at times ugly, at times beautiful but always right.  We knew we were leaving behind secure and familiar circumstances – safety, but we knew it was right to fight for those bound in slavery.

Is this your battle too?  Join us by clicking here

For more information on hosting an Awareness Event:  pete.livingston@gmail.com

For information of distributing products made through victim/at risk community work programs:  pete.livingston@gmail.com

To view and purchase goods directly, visit Made27


Hitting “Reset”

Pete & Debbie Livingston

Hitting reset.  Then what?  It is what we get to do.  Human trafficking does not simply end with “reset”.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”  (Matthew‬ ‭28:19 ESV‬‬)

I have come to realize that in many places where we send people to “go and tell and make disciples”, where we work now thanks to a slew of supporters, the hearers need a lot of mentoring to shift from being hearers to being trusters and doers.

This step is not automatic. Nurturing and mentoring is needed.  Is this not the role of believers and the church to new believers?   What if the church has little generational depth in believing and following?  This is where the missionary who is sent steps in.  Encouragers who help new believers hit “reset” in their lives.

I have learned that when you teach someone to hit the “reset” button they will need to know the hows and be mentored in the new way as it unfolds.  There is no familiar path and very few to follow or lead the way.

“…. teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”   ‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭28:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

Hitting “reset” in American culture affords many opportunities through churches, small groups, para church groups and multiple resources for the new believer to become  trusters and doers.

Hitting “reset” in a foreign culture does not often afford the same support groups and materials.  Except when there are “senders, supporters and goers” who can become the resources for the new start.

Our focus is those lost, trapped and often unseen in the world of human trafficking.   When they decide they want to to reset their lives the things they must shed are often dark, heavy and so discouraging that hitting reset will only begin a loop back in a very short time.  Sustaining the reset takes mentors.

That is what we get to do.   Set the captives free and walk with them in “reset mode”.

We say thank you to our senders, supporters who make it possible for us to be goers and mentors.

We pray 2018 will bring Good News to those around you. Help someone hit “reset” in their life.

If you are interested in helping to end modern human trafficking, we would love to have you on our support team.  Visit our donor page at Click  here