The decision to go to Cambodia actually began many years ago for me (Pete). Honestly, my decision was a series of decisions. Unrelated in many ways but quite entangled in critical ways. While it was not actually a decision to go to Cambodia, in 1986 I made the decision to do whatever God required of me even if it seemed crazy. I was just going to obey. So, there have been many decisions since that time that bring me to this time of choosing to go to Cambodia. I changed my life priorities because God showed me in the Bible that I had things wrong. He became first, my wife became second and our children third, work fourth. That is what obedience looked like to me.
Then came my career. Spending close to 20 years in business with a very good track record of success, God pointed me into ministry. I changed because God showed me through the Bible that I need to turn to eternal “building” instead of earthly building.
There are many decisions. Many. All bringing us to this time in my life when many men are considering retirement and God has shown us a need in Cambodia that appears to be a match for the life experience God has given me. There is a companion match for the life experience God has given Debbie. How can I ask God to send workers into the field and then ignore when the need over seas is for someone like me? I can’t. I won’t. I must go.
It really is about obeying Him in all things.