It is the new world-wide drug. Easily accessible. No cost to the seller. No needles or flames. Find a supplier, use and walk away. Child sex trafficking is the new drug spreading around the world.
Light morning reading – huh? Frankly, I’d rather not write about it. I’d like to say it was eradicated overnight by some big police dragnet, a highly focused simultaneously planned drone attack. Or maybe some Special Ops Team can be dropped in on all the dens of abuse for a one world-wide conquest.
Not going to happen that way and we all know it.
For a family starving to death even while working 12 hours 7 seven days a week and not earning enough to buy food and pay rent. The choices are few.
For a family who cannot pay their small rent in a small storage locker sized room after buying just a small amount of rice for a single daily meal, paying for education to get a better life is a pipe dream.
For a family living in a world where the value of a human life is measured by its ability to provide income then letting old folks die and selling children is logical.
Then along comes the Gospel. Knowing that God created the heavens and the Earth and mankind is his special creation the families have their world turned upside down and often become outcasts within their own community. Options become even fewer.
In adult eyes I frequently see hopelessness. But in the eyes of children, those not yet trapped and abused or those believing we will help them escape – there I see hope. There I see a willingness to believe that there is a God who saves. Saves for eternity and provides hope for tomorrow.
In the eyes of the young I see a desire to change their world and the future for their own children. That is why we are here. Here fighting for strong education and honorable income opportunities and to show the Gospel is full of hope. Hope for eternity and hope for today.
And that is why we need your help. We can only do this if individuals, churches, businesses and communities help us be here to fight back. Please pray for us and please consider spreading the word that you are a donor to Incurable Fanatics.
Host a Human Trafficking Event: contact for info
Buy victim made goods for your school fund raiser:
Join the battle! Engage today. Cry for a moment, engage for a life.