It’s a Shared Story


You are part of the work.

Training the generation of leaders who are changing their own community

Yep, it’s what we do.

Is what you wear more than just a garment?

There is more to what you wear than just how you look.  The garments you wear have a story to tell.  The story of the garments received this Christmas include a story of  a life changed – either into slavery or into freedom.  We see many lives changing.  The garments made by our work teams are the handiwork of a victim of human trafficking, often a recovering sex trafficking victim.  Our garments are a piece of their rescue, recovery and introduction to Christ.

Debbie and I find the work we engage in is a cause focused effort seeking to provide hope and restoration to those victims of trafficking.  We engage in education initiatives, job training for victims so that they can overcome their past and move into a hopeful future. A future they could not imagine without help.  The garments made in one of our village development enterprises is made by the hands of a victims and their families who are being assisted in ending a life of abuse that has surrounded them.  Your garment gives them hope for better tomorrows.  Your garment is a piece of their restoration.

We are now working with village craftsmen making garments, beautiful hand crafted jewelry, and items native to their community.  We then work to develop export opportunities so that the profit they make provides a sustainable, non-weather dependent income.   Your garment is a piece of their reintegration.

Parents who once trafficked a child in order to feed a family now have hope and means to feed, educate and care for their children without the atrocity of sex-trafficking.  The wage they earn, the opportunities we offer, fill the void that once seemed unfillable without engaging in the tragedy of trafficking.  Your garment is a piece of their prevention.

What you wear is really much more than just how it makes you look.  You can change lives when you purchase fair trade items for yourself and as gifts.  The story spreads with each item purchased.  Your garments are a part of a cause to end the atrocity of human trafficking.

For more information our visit our website,  We are Incurable Fanatics engaged in this cause.  We are a donor supported operation.  You can support our work directly by going to the website and selecting ENGAGE or DONATE to make your tax deductible donation. Donate If and when you can.

Thank you for being a part of changing lives.  We hope to see more of you.

Roundtables with the NEXT GEN leaders - Learning TRUE leadership principles

Real Words of Wisdom from the Word

We Start with Fundamentals of Faith.  Where principles for right living and right business operations are found.


That’s what our teams do daily.  Imagine what they can do with what they find locally to build an income, grow a business, protect and educate their children.  Here are just some of the jewelry items our friends make.

Teams are coming to encourage and build up our teams.
Teams are Jumping In!
Great Mission Teams have quickly reserved our available time slots to join the amazing work of our school serving kids and families in high risk communities.  Love living the shared vision.
Making it simple to be a part.
Some Go!
Some let go!
Some Send – if you are a sender of people to share the Word.  God bless you.If you are on our team, donating just got easier.