We all set goals. Things we want to accomplish personally and professionally. Steps that help us see where we are in the process of doing more with our lives. I was trained in business in classic MBOs, Management By Objectives. We used CSFs, Critical Success Factors, to measure progress along the way. This became a habit for me and something that seems to be more natural now after many years of use. The objective of Reintegration Programs is to vocationally train and assist in the recovery of victims of trafficking so that they can support themselves in honorable, self-sustaining work and thereby end the cycle of trafficking in their own family by taking charge of their own life. In the process, we get to show them that we do this because Christ first loved us and commands us to love others, a command that has become a joy to follow.
We now operate four garment production training centers. One produces custom silk screen t-shirts, polos, pajamas and anything else from a pattern for business, churches and events and can produce several thousand shirts a week. One produces “part work” – connecting sleeves, collars, cuffs, etc. to bodies of sweaters – known in the industry as “linking”. These garments produced here in Cambodia can be found in various major stores in the US and Europe but under the lead company’s label not ours. One produces accessories such as bracelets, necklaces, ankle wraps and has grown into a substantial supplier to a US boutique called Apricot Lane. One makes accessories like scarves, headbands and also provides creative design work for our local store “MADE” locaated along the riverfront here in Phnom Penh.
But here is my #1 Critical Success Factor. Get the workers to quit!
I want them trained and measured for their level of achievement. I want them to make a fair wage with us and feel loved and valued in Christ. I want them to experience a personal relationship with Christ as their Lord and Savior and them I want them to quit.
Young children go into our school when they are rescued, but mid-teens and up come into our training centers within weeks of their rescue. They are still recovering. They are suspicious of everyone – rightfully so. Scared and anxious are understatements. But they walk into a training center and see other workers, some they might even know, and the faces they see are inviting, encouraging. Some have even reached the stage of finding happiness for the very first time in their memory. So in come the new workers and we interview them and begin the process of preparing them to quit.
You see quitting is the graduation day for many into a life reintegrated. It is a day of celebration when they leave to fulfill a dream. Sure we have some who drop out; many of those come back just days or weeks later. But the ones who “graduate” by quitting represent a very important Critical Success Factor to this Incurable Fanatic.
In November, we had three “graduates”. They came into our work with no self-respect, no hope for tomorrow, no belief in God, no concept of love. We got to see the light come on for these graduates. While with us, one developed a dream to become a baker, another to become a mechanic, and yet another, to independently run a sewing shop. All three quit in November – or better said, graduated to pursue those dreams. SUCCESS! CRITICAL SUCCESS.
Thank you for being a part of the stories we get to engage in. Lives are changing. These stories are not ours alone but also the stories of those who support this work to fight a battle for the lives of sex-trafficking victims.
If you support us already, we are ever so thankful. If you have not yet engaged this way, keep praying for us anyway. If God provides, perhaps financial support will be something for the future. Either way, stay with us for the stories and help us end this atrocity of our generation.
DONATE when/if you can to continue to work to Rescue|Restore|Reintegrate|Prevent child trafficking.
If you would like to promote awareness in your church, business or community we invite you to host a human trafficking awareness event in your area. Bring churches, concerned citizens, schools and neighbors together to fight back for the lives of children. For information on an event, contact Meredith W Ramsey. It’s simple. It’s effective.