“Same same but different” is a phrase used in the markets in Asia. When you want something red but they only have blue, the seller says “same same but different”. Or if you want something in a large size but they only have small, again, “same same but different”. The sale is more important than you getting what you want.
While 2021 is almost upon us, 12 new months, the same as any year, let’s pray for a big difference and not so much “same same”.

For six years we developed outreach and strategies for strengthening the local believing community so that their testimony grew in impact. We returned to the US confident that the Lord had begun a good work. Then Covid brought the strangest and strongest challenge – and we were concerned.
Our ability to sell jewelry which provides support to the brass artisan group ceased. We could not schedule human trafficking awareness events where we also sell goods. Import of jewelry stopped.
We are now scheduling events again. Contact Pete for info. Engage your group in this serious battle for freedom.
The school was forced to close by government edict even with no Covid infections in the students or staff. It remained closed for 7 months. This could have been devastating. In fact for many businesses it was. But our compassionate supporters stepped up and helped with sustaining donations to insure the school could hold its staff and continue to work outside the school with the kids and families. What a blessing.
The school has focused on becoming self-sustaining and the closure brought the tuition income to zero instantly. The committed staff volunteered to take a 50% pay cut just to stay engaged and our donors stepped in. What a compassionate step.
Now, we are back to regrowing the businesses and the school. We are looking to expand and start another school. We are looking to return to assist. Even if we cannot return permanently, we plan to return to advance the work.
Covid has changed the world.
If you have been engaged with us through financial support in 2020 or earlier, we say thank you. You have kept us advancing.
If you would like to engage for 2021, please consider well the accomplishments that we expect for 2021 and beyond and make your tax deductible gift here. IncurableFanatics donor info
Join with us for 2021. Give to your church first, if you want to give to additional causes, please consider this.