The primary purpose of man, of the life of man, is to glorify the One who created it and saved us for his purpose.
That thought is certainly not new to me, so I claim no authorship or bright insight to have expressed it. But…..
This thought has so captivated me that it has altered the course of my life, my work, my joy.
So, in believing this so deeply, I cannot carry it simply as an academic or intellectual truth. It compels me to think and dream and plan for how I can use my life each day to spread the greatest joy to the hearts of those who have not yet discovered this for themselves. It drives me to act every day.
Debbie and I share this passion and this in itself is a joy. To share a vision with your covenant partner in marriage adds both excitement and ease in decisions.
In April, we will return again, as the government permits, to our beloved friends (family) in Cambodia to walk with and beside them in the work they are assuming to change their communities. Make their communities where kids are safe because the value of human life is viewed thru the lens of Scripture.
Cambodia has not embraced the Gospel for a long time but just a few weeks ago celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first Christian movement in the country. Awareness at present is very high as there was a country wide celebration and major event in the capitol, Phnom Penh. The opportunity to press into this culture is at present, uncharacteristically open. We want to sieze it more deeply with expanding our work to increase educational opportunities through opening strong academic Christian schools.
We have a working model. We want to seize the expansion opportunities now open to us.
If battling human trafficking is more than a fight against an atrocious social injustice, if it is a sign of broken people, broken families, and broken societies where the Gospel is absent; join us in this fight.
We are not slowing down. We are not giving in. This is our God given purpose and passion – helping families live for the Lord. Where communities become safe for children. Thru micro businesses and education we help local leaders and believers change their own world.
If you can, donate to this work on a monthly or one-time basis. DONATE here.
We are not slowing down.