This is what we get to do but let me be clear, we are not here in Asia because it is fun. It seems everyday takes more than 24 hours from my life. It is sometimes rewarding. Most frequently depressing. Everyday we see struggling people seeking hope and often looking in the wrong places. This is what God has prepared and given us to do. We are his hands and feet mentoring the next generation to become the changers in their own world.
Here is our story. The motivation and commitment have only grown stronger. One life at a time we see change. We see hope rising.
This is Thoeun Chanta who has emerged from extreme poverty to build a sustainable business to support his family and become influential in his community. He loves God and credits Him for showing the way to become a community light. He makes jewelry from brass ammunition parts. Discarded brass. Truly a “waste to riches work”. Check FB at Angkor Bullet Jewellery Cambodia for sample photos of this beautiful work. Support for him like support for us, advances the Gospel in Cambodia.
Please consider becoming a part of our team. Help us advance with greater vigilance and intensity.
The work is not done.
The sun rises and sets, the rivers and lakes rise and fall with the rains, birthdays and anniversaries pass; many things go unchanged in a world wrestling with the fear of a war, politics and pandemics.
Children laugh and play as usual. Until they don’t.
The threats and actual harm that come to children at the hands of adults who should be guarding and nurturing them is an atrocity. It is not a new thing. It has happened for generations. It is multiplied where the Gospel is absent from the lives of the adults. Where communities value pleasure more than worship of the God who created man (and children) in his image. When the Gospel is shared and absorbed the care of children increases and thereby their safety. The Gospel has the power to change lives.
Minimization of the importance of the church and is a threat to the serious nature and necessity of knowing Christ. This is a serious threat to the spread of the Gospel. It is not just knowing ABOUT HIM but actually repenting of sin and knowing him. We simply have to help native believers share in their own culture and language the hope of Christ.
Thank you for being a part of our advance into places where the Gospel is absent and children are abused.
These folks have an eagerness to engage. The anticipation of hearing hope. The witness of a life changed.
This is what happens within the workplaces and schools we are honored to be a part of. We get to see it and be a part of it. We try to bring that story to you but, it would take far more than a thousand words to paint the clearest picture of the look of a new life. The teams that have come to work with us can testify to the direction to transform lives. One life at a time we engage. One life at a time we see change.
Everyday the Word is shared. Everyday the seeds go a little deeper. Everyday there is a witness of the power of Christ to bring new life. This is the work of IncurableFanatics and we appreciate your prayer and financial support of the work as new life spreads within the community.
Be a part of what God is doing.
Built to be a brothel. But God..,..
What if the owner of this building had fulfilled her plan of opening a large brothel with over 40 “guest” rooms rentable by the hour? This community is overflowing with vulnerable children whose parents work in nearby garment factories barely earning enough to sustain day to day living. When cash is short, selling kids is frequent. The supply of victims is abundant. The shortage of cash is constant.
What a joy to be serving God in this community! Actively involved in the prevention of human trafficking and the restoration of victims and their families, the Livingstons (a/k/a IncurableFanatics) started and now serve as mentors in a rapidly growing (400+ student) Christian school for at risk children and their families. Bible instruction, teacher training, life skill mentoring, parent education and leadership development are their emphasis. A community where the lights are bright on the outside but nearby the darkest of atrocities are acceptable practice.
In addition, the Livingstons are working closely with Cambodian artists helping them form profitable businesses based biblical principles. These become influencers and form the basis for new school/church plants.
They begin to take charge of sharing the Gospel and seeing it change their own community.
Through the work of @IncurableFanatics (FB) and local Khmer leadership, a small Christian Fellowship has been planted at the school where last month 8 prayed to receive Christ and were baptized! This is why we do what we do. This is why we seek continued and new partnerships with like minded and committed believers.
We cannot express sufficiently our gratitude for the support of IOM (International Outreach Ministries International Outreach Ministries) and our own Advisory Team. These seasoned church and missions leaders believe in what we do and provide assurance of accountability to our donors. This is an integral part of being active on the mission field. And to our donors. Your investment in lives is bearing fruit. We thank you.
Blessings to you from Pete & Debbie, IncurableFanatics.org
Your donations are tax deductible and fully accounted for through IOM. And of course greatly appreciated.
See something wrong? Do something about it.
See something questionable? Ask some questions.
See suspicious activity? Record it and report it.
Everyday on social media I see complainers who think complaining accomplishes something. It rarely does. Action brings change. Action takes only a small amount of effort and it really can bring change.
See an abandoned kid? Check it out. See a struggling old timer? Help them complete their task.
Be The Change!
If you won’t, and you, and you, and you ………and me ..…
Our world is in free fall decay and there are way too many spectators.
Be The Change! Do It!
The primary purpose of man, of the life of man, is to glorify the One who created it and saved us for his purpose.
That thought is certainly not new to me, so I claim no authorship or bright insight to have expressed it. But…..
This thought has so captivated me that it has altered the course of my life, my work, my joy.
So, in believing this so deeply, I cannot carry it simply as an academic or intellectual truth. It compels me to think and dream and plan for how I can use my life each day to spread the greatest joy to the hearts of those who have not yet discovered this for themselves. It drives me to act every day.
Debbie and I share this passion and this in itself is a joy. To share a vision with your covenant partner in marriage adds both excitement and ease in decisions.
In April, we will return again, as the government permits, to our beloved friends (family) in Cambodia to walk with and beside them in the work they are assuming to change their communities. Make their communities where kids are safe because the value of human life is viewed thru the lens of Scripture.
Cambodia has not embraced the Gospel for a long time but just a few weeks ago celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first Christian movement in the country. Awareness at present is very high as there was a country wide celebration and major event in the capitol, Phnom Penh. The opportunity to press into this culture is at present, uncharacteristically open. We want to sieze it more deeply with expanding our work to increase educational opportunities through opening strong academic Christian schools.
We have a working model. We want to seize the expansion opportunities now open to us.
If battling human trafficking is more than a fight against an atrocious social injustice, if it is a sign of broken people, broken families, and broken societies where the Gospel is absent; join us in this fight.
We are not slowing down. We are not giving in. This is our God given purpose and passion – helping families live for the Lord. Where communities become safe for children. Thru micro businesses and education we help local leaders and believers change their own world.
If you can, donate to this work on a monthly or one-time basis. DONATE here.
We are not slowing down.
Education does not make one better. More knowledgeable yes, but not better as a person. But it does seem to bring confidence and certainly it brings respect when achievements are made.
In all my years of coming to Cambodia and living in Cambodia, I have never seen this many small packs of older foreign men roaming the streets. Never have I seen a refreshing of the child trafficking business like I am seeing now.
The depth of financial, food, education, and spiritual poverty is staggering and results in children being offered for sale for the vile atrocities often at the hands of these foreign men.
Rarely have I made a direct appeal for support to continue this work in changing communities, we are helping leaders change themselves, and change their own communities.
This is Giving Tuesday. Internationally a big day of support to nonprofits. I am asking that if you are considering a gift to a nonprofit on giving Tuesday, that you consider incurablefanatics.org/donate here, donations are tax deductible and work to help the local community change from within the conditions that result in child trafficking.
And it’s working! In the communities f our work, there is great change. Please, if you are giving on Giving Tuesday consider.
Thank you,
Pete & Debbie