All around the world, the face and practice of missions is changing. In the Middle East many missionaries have had to go underground to continue their work. In places like Afghanistan, some have moved their mission work to nearby countries. In China, the movement continues underground and at great risk and usually by nationals. But the work of the gospel continues to advance, He continues to save, it continues to change lives.
For Debbie and I, the face of our mission work has changed. Our ability to reside permanently in Cambodia is presently not possible, but the work we do continues every day. And we return in just a few days.
Every day in Cambodia. We are at work. Consistently. Persistently. And differently.
What seemed to us to be a good idea, being mentors and not the official leaders in each of our work environments in Cambodia, has turned out to be the sovereign direction of God. As we developed young leaders, they learned to lead while we were at their side to encourage to promote and to prepare. Covid changed that way of success in our work and kept us stateside. Now, while we no longer reside in Cambodia, we continue every day in the work there electronically and in person as frequently as possible.
The advance of technology permits us to do zoom meetings, and training with our growing leaders, who have accepted the responsibility of in person leadership in ways we could not have foreseen. We will continue to return to Cambodia on intermittent and as frequent as possible trips to move into this stage of expansion with our now mentored leaders who know well how to manage what has been started. Now they need to be mentored in expanding.
On November 8 we will return to Cambodia for whatever time is permitted and develop the strategies and plans and identify and begin work with the next group of leaders to expand the work.
It is a very special time of opportunity there right now. Many of the people who professed Christianity professed a prosperity faith that didn’t work out very well during Covid. But they have heard the name of the One. Now the work is to point them to the Truth of being a follower of the One.
If you can partner with us in this work, we would be very grateful. First, pray that we would be effective for whatever time we have to be there. Second, if, after giving your tithes to your local church, you have something left over to give please consider Incurable Fanatics.
And join us with a team to be onsite in the work. We have some select opportunities.