The battle of modern day slavery is growing and we must rise to meet it or shrink away and allow it to consume millions more.
When we first entered the battle of modern day slavery and child sex trafficking, our community of friends was shocked. Not at our entry but by the extent of the atrocity. Now, nearly 4 years in, the atrocity is growing rapidly. The US statistic for 2017 was up a whopping 13% (Polaris Project). Where the Gospel is largely absent or silent, this plague appears to be growing even faster.

Missions is about sharing the Gospel. The Gospel is about changing lives. Changed lives don’t enslave others. The formula is simple on the surface. But the work is far from simple or over in the field. Look at the picture, this plague has become widespread even in the US. Can we simply pretend it is only “over there”?
We offer our deepest thanks to you our supporters for making it possible for us to work to change the circumstances of modern day slavery and specifically child sex trafficking. Teaching those who are most vulnerable to become teachers instead of victims and owners of honorable businesses instead of sellers of humans. We cannot be here doing this unless you are there at our backs. You sending is as valuable a link as us going. There is just no way we can secure an income from the already impoverished people we work beside for their advancement. So whatever sacrifice you are making to engage with us please know that the impact is powerful and you have our most sincere appreciation. Spread the word about what YOU are doing to fight back. Begin to be identified as a modern day abolitionist.
Host an Awareness event this summer in your church, community or neighborhood. Be observant in your community. Report suspicious activity. Set captives free! Join us in this fight for our sons, daughter and grandchildren.
“Speak and act as those who will be judged by the law of freedom (James 2:12 HCSB)”
We did not casually enter into this battle. We knew it would be hard, at times ugly, at times beautiful but always right. We knew we were leaving behind secure and familiar circumstances – safety, but we knew it was right to fight for those bound in slavery.
Is this your battle too? Join us by clicking here
For more information on hosting an Awareness Event:
For information of distributing products made through victim/at risk community work programs:
To view and purchase goods directly, visit Made27